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Message from President

Dear Friend,

Tianjin Vocational Institute is a public college established in 1978 as an international tertiary vocational education project between China and World Bank to host higher vocational education and training to satisfy the great demand for skilled talent brought by the rapid economic and social development of China.

Even since then, Tianjin Vocational Institute firmly imprint its mission statement of “Center on Service, Pivot on Application, Pursue Quality, and Be Extraordinary” in the path of development and innovation for the last 40 years. Today, Tianjin Vocational Institute has become the largest comprehensive tertiary vocational education and training provider in Tianjin and home to more than 1,6000 full time students from all over China and overseas.

Tianjin Vocational Institute is keen on education quality improvement, industry collaboration, applicable scientific research, serving the national development strategy and international cooperation. Through the years, with relentless effort on self-improvement and empowerment, and numerous achievements and honors make it a leading member among more than 1,200 fellow colleges. Tianjin Vocational Institute is one of the National Demonstrative Higher Vocational Colleges and a Grade A Elected Project College in Construction Plan of High Level Tertiary Vocational College and Specialty Group with Chinese Characteristics hosted by Ministry of Education of China. And our international cooperation branch has reached four continents in the world with adaptive approach and localized thinking.

We are always on the way to be the best of best to serve the need of people, industry, business, society and the country. Tianjin Vocational Institute is willing to join hands with partners domestic and overseas, academic or industrial to explore infinite opportunities this great new era presents to cultivate the talent for today and the future.

I wish you all the best.

Prof. Wu Zongbao


Tianjin Vocational Institute